Template Fields


Template fields allow tracking users to save data to auto-complete form fields. They are useful when you want users to be able to enter and save often-entered data as part of the form. For example, you can create template fields for the user's name and employee number. When the user enters this data and saves the form as a template, this information will automatically populate each time the form is accessed.


When users open the form on the device, they enter data into the template fields. The user can then choose to save the form as a template. The data entered into the template fields is saved as part of the form. The next time the user opens the form type on the handset, the previously entered template data is automatically entered.


·    To mark all fields on the form as template fields, select the All Templates check box on the main form header. All fields included on the form that can be saved as a template are marked as template fields.

·    To mark an individual field as a template field, click Field Properties . Select the Template option.


  In order to use template forms, the form field must be marked as Template in the Forms Designer. Then, the user must save the completed form data as a template on the handset. Not all field types can be marked as template fields. If the template option is not available, the Template option appears grayed out and cannot be selected.




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