Selection Fields and Decision Groups

Create selection fields to provide multiple choices for form fields. If you want, you can attach a decision sub-form that appears when a specific choice is made. Three types of selection fields are available:


·    Radio Buttons -  Create radio button options. Users can select only one option.  

·    Check Boxes - Create multiple or single check boxes for users to select  

·    Drop Down Lists - Create a list of options that users can select from to complete the field. You can also allow users to enter an unique option not on the list.


You can also create decision groups that display when the user makes a selection. With a decision group, when a tracking user selects an option, additional fields are displayed on the main screen form. These forms allow the users to enter data that relates to the selected option.


Creating a Selection Field

1.     Click Add Field .

2.     Click <Enter caption here> and type a field label.  

3.     Click Field Properties .

4.     From the Type dropdown list, select the field type from Radio Buttons, Check Boxes or Drop Down.

5.     Click on <Enter Caption here> and type a field label.

6.     When you create a selection field, two options are created automatically. Edit the option labels as needed. Click on <Enter Choice Caption here> and type the desired text.

7.     To add another option immediately following the current option, click Add Option.

8.     To remove an option, click the Remove Option icon .

9.     To rearrange the order of options, click the field order arrows next to the field.

10.  To set the field constraints, click Field Properties.

11.  To require users to complete the field, choose Required.

For drop-down lists, you can allow tracking users to type in an additional option if the desired selection is not included in the defined list.

12.   Select Editable Combo if you want users to be able to type a unique entry in the field. Then, set the field's constraints.

13.  To add dynamic fields that appear only when a specific option is selected by the user, double-click the box to the right of the selection option.

The decision group fields appear on the Form Designer.

·    The yellow box and arrow on the right of the selection field indicate the work flow from the main selection field to the additional decision group fields. On the handset, the additional fields will appear on the main form screen immediately following the selection field.

·    You can adjust the location of the decision group fields if necessary. Hold your mouse pointer over the edge of the decision group section. When the multi-directional arrow appears, drag the group to the location you want.

14.  On the decision group section, the screen is automatically named 'New Group'. If you want, click the caption to change the name.

15.  Add form fields to the decision group section as desired. Set the field properties and constraints just as you would on the main form.

16.  To copy or delete the decision group, click the Additional Form Actions button . From the popup menu, select Copy Decision Group to create another copy of the dynamic fields. Click Delete Decision Group to remove the fields.



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