Chart List


Choose View Chart List to review, organize and modify the charts available on the Form Dashboard. Charts are labeled as Public or Private on the chart list.


Default public charts are grayed out and cannot be modified. Private charts are viewable and modifiable only by the logged-in user. Choose an icon in the Action column to change or delete a chart. To edit a chart:


1.     Choose Edit from the Action column. The Custom Chart dialog displays.

2.     Use the Public checkbox to mark the chart as either public or private. If you do not check this box, the chart is marked Private.

3.     Enter a new title for the chart, if necessary.

4.     Select the Chart Type from Bar, Line or Pie.

5.     Choose the time period that you want the chart data to display in the Chart Time Frame field. Choose from Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year.

6.     Use the drop-down list to choose the form that will supply the data to the chart.

7.     In the Define Grouping section, make your selections in the Group By and Field fields, if applicable.

8.     In the Define Calculation section, make your selections in the Group By and Field fields, if applicable. A sample of the chart you have created will display.

9.     In the Additional Options section, set more data display options. Choose a data type to sort by, a sort order, and the display orientation.

10.  Click Finish.


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