Alerts History Search

Run an Alerts History Search to view historical data on alerts triggered by users.


1.     Click History > Alerts History from the top menu.

2.     Choose the alert type(s).

3.     Choose User(s) or Group(s), and then click the drop-down arrow in the field below to select.

4.     Choose specific day(s) and time(s) in the From and To fields.

5.     Click Display History to create your search results. Alert locations and symbols display on the map, and information for the selected user or group will display above the map.

The grid results provide detailed information on the alert, such as the criteria set for the alert. For example, if you set an alert to track ignition startup, Hardmount: Ignition On will display in the Criteria field.

6.     Click Export at the top of the screen to export and save search results to a csv file.



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Alerts History

Alert Reports
