Hard Mount Diagnostics


You can view hard mount diagnostic data on many of the grids in the application, such as in the Live View and History areas. You can modify and configure how the application receives and reports hard mount data in two areas:




Add and modify hard mount templates to create a set of events that can be applied to multiple users. The Admin Hardmounts page features a collapsible folder structure that categorizes each template by hard mount type. Open a hard mount type folder and template to display the corresponding template information.




Create and modify alerts to monitor vehicle events such as:


Stops                  Starts               Acceleration         Deceleration

Battery level        Ignition On       Ignition Off           Temperature Fluctuations


The Hardmount Event Alerts grid features a listing of all created event alerts. Click on a single item to view or modify configuration details, or click add to create a new event.



Diagnostic Trouble Codes

You can view diagnostic trouble codes for configured vehicles in the Event column on the Live View and History grids. Diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) are used to identify vehicle problems. Trouble codes are how vehicle OBDII identifies and communicates the location and nature of on-board problems to vehicle technicians.


Check Engine displays in the Event column when a vehicle has DTCs that must be checked. Click the Check Engine phrase to display a listing of the codes. Each code is linked to a website that features a detailed explanation of the code.


Temperature Sensors

You can establish ranges for temperature sensor monitors in the Tracking Users area of the Admin function. For example, you can set normal freezer range for a container vehicle at 45 - 65 degrees Fahrenheit. If the container temperature registers anywhere outside the range and you have created an alert, the application will notify you of the status.


A higher temperature status will display on the map and grid. On the map, a notification will display when you hover over the user, and also in the map label for the user. On the grid, the temperature will display in the Sensor data column.


You can add up to eight (8) locations with or without temperature designation. If you do not specify a temperature, the application will only notify you of the current temperature.



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